DIY Beauty Ideas

Identify The 4 Common Skin Problems That Tomato & Sugar Scrub Can Solve

As much as the tomato adds a ting to our curries, it is equally awesome for our skin. Remember how our grannies keep telling us to rub it on the skin and get rid of the tan! But do you know our dear Tomatina also acts as a natural exfoliating element when gelled with sugar?

Let us share some famous tomato scrubs that you can easily make at home.

Sliced tomato with crushed sugar

  1. Take a juicy tomato and cut it in round shapes.
  2. Now dip the slices on a tray covered with grounded or crushed sugar.
  3. Rub the sugar-dipped slices on your skin in circular motion. Keep the hand movement slow and soft.
  4.  Do this for 10 minutes before washing the face with lukewarm water.

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Tomato puree with sugar

  1. Blend the fresh tomato puree with sugar and form the scrub.
  2. Stir well before applying it on your face and body.
  3. Let the paste stay for 10 minutes as it dries naturally.
  4. Wash with lukewarm water and tap dry with towel.


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Aren’t these scrubs going to be our go to DIY skin home remedies? We, the Cauldron Sisters, prefer it over any other fruit/veggie scrub as the tomatoes contain high water content that leaves the skin moisturized, which simply means you aren’t required to apply any moisturizing cream to hydrate your skin.

In the end, let’s summarize the benefits of tomato-sugar scrub:

Cleans dead cells: The scrub helps get rid of the dull and aged skin by removing the dead cells and making it smooth once again.

Removes suntan: Went for a long summer vacay and got sun burnt/tanned? Don’t worry, the tomato juice is known for removing the dead skin cells that get damaged by the dangerous UV rays. Apply it regularly for a week and see the difference!

Relaxes skin: Apart from removing the dead cells and pigmentation, tomato scrub also helps relax and comfort our skin. It also treats the usual skin problems like acne as it is rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants.

Improves complexion: Thanks to the high-level of lycopene present in this fruit, the tomato scrubs and facials help improve the complexion. It also acts as natural sunscreen.

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Tell us in the comments below which face scrubs do you usually make at home. We promise to feature the most effective ones on the blog! Meanwhile, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook & Instagram!.

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